Friday, November 14, 2014

You've Got Way More Potential Than You Realize!

I don't want to sound like Joel Osteen. Mainly because I can't pull off that wonderful hairdo.

But here's the simple truth. If you know Jesus, you have an unbelievable source of power inside of you called the Holy Spirit. Do you realize how much power that means you have? Just imagine Electro from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, but on redbull. Right before Jesus ascended to heaven, he promised us this power in Matthew 28. He said "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you" (Matthew 28:18).

With this same source of power, these people did awesome things:

- Moses went 40 days without food
- Samson ripped down the temple with his bare hands
- Daniel survived a den of lions
- Lazarus got undead
- Mary conquered an epic teenage pregnancy
- Jesus…welp, his whole life basically
- Chuck Norris dominated a generation (yes, he's a believer!)

As a Christ follower, you have the same source of power as all these people! The Holy Spirit gives us way more potential than we can even imagine. But most of the time, we don't even think to tap into it to do huge things. We just ask Him to help relieve us of stress or heal us from a cold. Those are important prayers in all, but if that's all the power we ask for…we are really selling ourselves short of some huge things that God could be doing through us. That's like going to a 5-star steakhouse and just getting chicken tenders. 

As believers, our lives should look drastically different from the non-believers around us. We are literally walking miracles, being rescued from slavery of sin. The Holy Spirit has come into our life and is sitting there, ready to be unleashed. He has big ideas for what he'd love to do in our lives. Lots of times though, our lives don't look a whole lot different from the non-believers in the world. We make decisions based on comfort and logical expectations, rather than walking in the assurance of the Holy Spirit to show up and do awesome things.

So don't settle for chicken tenders. Order the steak! Use the power that he's given you. Ask God to do the big things in your life that you're too afraid to ask for. You might be surprised how he answers it.

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