This is no ordinary announcement. This is the one that is so important that it deserves to be re-announced after the closing prayer so that it was fresh on students’ minds as they are walking out the door.
More often than not, it is yelled over the exiting music as students stand up and scurry out to their cars for Taco Bell. I’m not sure why, but the 'announcer' always seemed urgently panicked as if each student needs to grasp all details related to this announcement.
It was shouted as quickly as possible, with no time for breaths.
“Have a good week! Don’t forget to invite 11 friends to camp
tomorrow at school! Business cards in the back! Grab a
business card!!!”
And sometimes they were long.
“Alrighty. Lust Sunday is in two weeks! Mark your calendars
because it is going to be a powerful time, guys! If you are struggling
with porn, you gotta be there! GOTTA STOP LOOKING AT PORN, GUYS!”
The best ones were so long that they were still talking as people were getting in their cars.
“Lock-In is this Friday! Be there! Bring a 2-liter and $5!
And invite your friends. Please no fireworks this time! And be
on time because registration takes longer when you guys are late.
Which makes my job harder. And we don’t want my job
to be any harder right? Am-I-right?! HA!!! Give a guy a break!!!
Oh! And make sure your mom knows that Tommy has
a peanut allergy so if she bakes brownies,
NOT to put peanuts in them this time. No peanuts, guys! Amen? Amen!!!”
By this point, we had ordered our food at Taco Bell.
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